Those familiar with engineering realize the necessity of utilizing adequate expansion joints and their vital contribution to a building’s structure and piping system. Furthermore, the placement and alignment of these components define the duration of their use and effectiveness at relieving stress on building materials.

To discover more about why proper alignment matters in expansion joint installation in building and engineering, continue reading below.

Service Longevity

Correctly sized and aligned expansion joints don’t usually require maintenance; however, they can benefit from regular inspections. You can reasonably expect a 7- to 10-year service life from expansion joints though specific time frames can depend on the component application. Correct alignment can also enhance the entire lifespan of a complete piping system or structure.

Hazard Mitigation

An offset expansion joint placement can create a hazardous situation. These components should not serve a purpose to correct piping installations. Expansion joint parts should match perfectly to their connecting piece to avoid leakage.

Ideally, joints should be accessible to inspectors. External shields should protect individuals from leakages or failure caused by fluid moving parallel to the system rather than outwards.

Movement and Vibration Management

When used correctly, expansion joints are highly effective solutions to managing vibrations and cyclic motions due to temperature changes. Buildings and structures expand and contract during different seasons, bringing forth thermal stresses responsible for disintegration.

Luckily, expansion joints aim to relieve thermal pressures in buildings sensitive to warping. Properly installed parts can also prevent pipe systems from buckling caused by heavy loads and extensive deterioration.

Regarding vibration management, joints should be as close as possible to their control rods or anchors. Joint installation should also pair with sufficient pipe support as the expansion component should not carry adjacent piping during operation.

While expansion joint systems are essential to bridging warp and change dimensions caused by temperature changes, knowing why proper alignment matters in installation is just as crucial. If you would like to learn more about pipe guides and supports, contact us at Triad Bellows. We can offer the assistance you need.