Expansion joints are crucial parts of piping, ductwork, and gas transfer systems. They’re ubiquitous devices that fulfill different applications needed to maintain pressure. They also allow for movement to absorb vibrations and keep systems functioning. Expansion joints work in many contexts, such as the automotive industry and aeronautics, and range in types and varieties.

With such a diverse array of applications, they aren’t one-size-fits-all devices. Investing in custom expansion joints can be the best solution to finding the one that will fit your specifications and design.

But what are the benefits of custom machining for expansion joints?

Perfect Fit

Many, if not all, piping and exhaust systems require precise fittings because they all handle different pressures and vibrations. A proper pipe alignment guide relies on an expansion joint specifically designed for your application. This joint allows for variances and makes installation easier.

Easier Installation

Correct installation of an expansion joint affects the entire piping system. If the joint fails, so does everything else. An offset installation throws off the crucial movement needed to maintain the integrity of the system. Squeezing a prefabricated expansion joint into your piping system might work, but with a custom design, you benefit from an easier installation and a more reliable joint.

Better Routine Maintenance

Expansion joint maintenance is essential for checking for issues like cracks or misalignment. You can have easy maintenance if you call Triad Bellows, as we can create a joint your team can easily access for checkups, cleaning, repairs, and replacements. And if you ever need a replacement, your specifications will remain on file to reduce downtime.

Better Performance

Like a tailored suit, a custom machined expansion joint will fit your system better, optimizing the performance of your duct or piping system. Maintaining pressure, providing flexibility, and absorbing vibrations require a precise fit that only a custom expansion joint can deliver.

Contact us to learn more about the benefits of custom machining for expansion joints or discuss creating your own.