Those in the industrial field know that bellows are among the most significant inventions of the 21st century. Bellows are vessels that allow units to expand when under severe pressure or high temperatures. This article will explain the most common applications of bellows for those entering the industrial profession. Everyone should understand how crucial these components are to industrial work sites, because they can help make everyone’s jobs easier.

Exhaust Bellows

Everyone has felt their car engine vibrate when it starts. In fact, every engine experiences some sort of vibration. That is why automotive manufacturers place exhaust pipes in engines; they cut down on the movements that drivers feel. Most people probably don’t realize that exhaust bellows exist to lessen the vibrations while driving. Exhaust bellows are connected to the exhaust pipe to make every drive smoother.

Mechanical Seals

Many people are familiar with the industrial capabilities of bellows. For example, industrial workers use exhaust bellows to help with mechanical seals. Workers use seals to prevent leakages in piping systems. They place ring-shaped seals on a pump shaft to prevent liquids and gases from coming out. After that, industrial workers must put exhaust bellows between the mechanical seals on the pump shaft to prevent any other spillage.

Pipe Expansion

Perhaps the most common application of bellows is pipe expansion. Readers can imagine themselves on the construction site for a minute. Piping systems are a common sight on the average construction site. These piping systems are typically long, and certain components connect to each pipe to the next. This is where high-temperature exhaust bellows come in handy. These bellows can withstand great temperature changes and adapt to different pressures; many construction workers use the parts every day.

It’s hard to imagine the industrial world without bellows. These components are more instrumental than one could ever imagine. Bellows are incredibly valuable to those in many fields.

Anyone in need of high-quality bellows should contact Triad Bellows today. We have everything people need to ensure their industrial sites are as efficient as possible.